
i promise

i promise myself that i will never let myself be affected that easily on mundane things. i also promise to really let go of the things that i must let go. i also promise to never post a comment on someone else's blog whom i really do not personally know.



friendship, others

i'll never be an artist. i never tried to be one. it's one of those things i didn't explore if i have the talent or not.

i have this perception that artists have this melodramatic tendency. if that would be the basis of being an artist, i guess i can pass up as one.


picture taken from: redesigndavid.com
(illegally) sorry. if u want me to remove this, just send me a message.


Tell Me

For Weh

For Bibby



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My Happiness Report

Quiz taken from: tickle.com

JC, currently your happiness baseline is 71, which is higher than 76 percent of the other people who took The Happiness Test. What this baseline means is that, taking both your high and low moods into account, your range of happiness, tends to be around this level.

As most of us know from first-hand experience, happiness is a changeable thing. In fact, you've probably felt your own overall happiness level shift from year to year, month to month, or even day to day. It's natural to experience highs and lows at different moments in your life. If you expect to feel the happiest of happy all of the time, you'll probably be disappointed. However, you can strive to elevate your baseline of happiness, so that the lows you experience are not as low, and the highs you experience are even higher.

Currently, your results indicate that you already have a higher happiness baseline than most people. However, you can always improve. By gaining a better understanding of what makes up your happiness, you can learn to direct your energies to the areas that you may currently be neglecting.

As you now know, your personal growth has a positive effect on your overall happiness. However, your greatest source of happiness is your optimism. Optimism is a feeling that good things are here to stay and that bad things will improve in time. When you're optimistic, you tend to believe that good will inevitably triumph over evil and that things will usually go your way. This kind of upbeat thinking is sure to be reflected back to you in positive life experiences.

Your tendency to anticipate the best possible outcome to situations is where your happiness springs from most. It's also the place where your happiness gains the most power and stability. Because optimism appears to be the natural anchor point for your happiness, know that you can always tap into this quality when times get rough.

In the meantime, pat yourself on the back for your higher scores. Your present happiness is rooted in those areas you already master. If you'd like to increase your happiness — as most people would — look to your lower scores. Those are the areas where you have the most room to grow and improve. Think about how a simple shift in your perceptions could increase your happiness.

Your score on the Optimism scale is 9 out of 10. This scale measures your tendency to anticipate the best possible outcomes for the situations life presents to you.

Because optimism is your highest-scoring area, it's apparent that you already know firsthand how important this trait is to your happiness. Now all you have to do is keep it up and share the wealth.

Your score is on the higher side of the optimism scale. This means that when a tough situation presents itself, you're more likely to focus on the proverbial silver lining than the cloud. It also suggests that when faced with an obstacle, you'll usually look for ways to surmount it. Optimism is simply a matter of taking on a positive perspective; this is a skill that can be acquired and nurtured.

Your score on the Personal Growth scale is 9 out of 10. This scale measures how focused and proactive you are about exploring who you are and expanding your life's impact. When people are committed to personal growth, they're dedicated to being the best that they can be. They also put effort toward exploring what life has to offer. By increasing your focus on personal growth, you can feel a greater sense of personal control over what happens to you. Personal growth can also nurture your spirit, develop your willpower, and increase your strength and focus.

Your score on the personal growth scale is higher than average. This means that for the most part you have good focus and initiative when it comes to taking matters into your own hands to improve your life. Honoring your commitment to personal growth takes both dedication and a positive attitude. Sometimes it's tough, but by following through and working toward your goals, you can create an upward spiral toward further growth and achievement. Although a commitment to personal growth comes naturally to some, others need to work a little harder to make space in their lives for change. Establishing and achieving goals is hard work and often takes great effort, even if you have a strong motivation to do so.

Your score on the Gratitude scale is 8 out of 10. This scale measures your sense of appreciation for life's blessings.

Overall, your gratitude score is on the higher end of the scale. This means that to some degree, you already feel grateful for your life's experiences. You probably also take time to acknowledge the benefits and blessings of what you have. Gratitude is available to everyone who sets clear and focused intentions to acknowledge the good and beneficial things in their lives. Sometimes gratitude even means being thankful for the lessons learned in the school of hard knocks. By taking time out to recognize the good in your life, you increase your gratitude.

Your score on the Relationships scale is 7 out of 10. This scale measures the extent to which you are positively affected by the people in your life who make up your social support network. When people have positive personal relationships, they have a base of support that they can turn to in happy and sad times. Over time, increased social interaction can help you relax into the knowledge that you can be who you are. This assumes, of course, that you are choosing to be around people who truly validate and support you. Having positive personal relationships can help you to develop more self-confidence, a sense of belonging, and greater ease in relating with all kinds of people.

When compared with others who took this test, you scored on the higher end of the relationship scale. This indicates that on the whole, you enjoy positive connections with the people in your life. Although almost everyone has times when they feel discouraged by someone close to them, for the most part you feel like your relationships are meaningful and bring out the best in you. By appreciating and valuing the people who appreciate and value you, you go a long way toward cultivating meaningful and lasting bonds.

Your score on the Contentment scale is 6 out of 10. This scale measures your general sense of peace and satisfaction with your life.

In terms of your numerical score in this area, you scored on the higher side of the contentment scale. This means that you're already somewhat content with your life or at least that you have moments of contentment when you feel things are going your way. Increasing your contentment doesn't have to be complicated. Often your ability to live in the present moment has more to do with your level of contentment than actually having what you want does. Try the Take Action below and begin to find more contentment from within.

Your score on the Self-Confidence scale is 6 out of 10. This scale measures the extent to which you like yourself and feel satisfied with who you are.

When compared with other people who took this test, your score on the confidence scale is relatively higher than that of most others. This means that most of the time you exhibit a reasonably high confidence level, especially concerning your self-esteem. Confidence is really a state of mind, a positive self-perception that you project to others. If you can see confidence as a skill rather than an innate characteristic, you'll be able to move more easily in the direction of increased confidence.

Your score on the Cheerfulness scale is 6 out of 10. This scale measures the extent to which you have a good-natured disposition and experience blissful delight in even the smallest things.

Your cheerfulness score is somewhat higher than that of many others. This indicates that you're probably already a pretty playful, lighthearted person much of the time. Have you ever heard the saying, "Laughter is the best medicine?" There's actually some truth to it. Certain medical studies have shown that laughter even speeds recovery after surgery. Although being jovial and cheery in your daily life may feel frivolous at times, playing and laughing more can improve your health, your outlook on life, and your overall happiness.


Nice but Sad

Te Lo Agradezco Pero No

Thank You, But No

Come close, that maybe
You don't realize my love
Is not forever
'Cause some nights shut down while you sleep.
Tell your heart
There will be no more sources of pain
Don't say I don't think about you
I don't do anything but thinking
Come a little closer
Don't be afraid of the truth

Ay, and when the morning comes and the sun rises
You'll come back to my side
And then I won't...
And now go, go, go, go
Go away and have a good time
For the both of us

No, baby
Thank you, but no
Look, little girl, thank you, but no
I've already left you aside
I don't do anything but forgetting you

Thank you, but no
Look, little girl, thank you, but no
(Thank you honey, but no, you know it's no)

Come a little closer
Don't you see the time is escaping from us
Unchain what you feel
If you don't, too bad
'Cause in the end, if you don't see it
It's possible that you don't listen to me
But I will say...

That 'ay', when the sun rises and the morning comes
I'll come back to your side, to your side
With more desire
And now go, go, go, go
Go away and have a good time
For the both of us

Thank you, but no
Look, little boy, thank you, but no
I've already left you aside
I don't do anything but forgetting you

Thank you, but no
Look, little boy, thank you, but no
I've already left you aside
I don't do anything but forgetting you

I am aware
Of how I've hurt you
But at the same time I don't feel responsible
For what you could think was courage
Was just fear

Thank you, but no
Look, little boy, thank you, but no
I've already left you aside
I don't do anything but forgetting you

Thank you, but no
Look, little boy, thank you, but no
I've already left you aside
I don't do anything but forgetting you...

--Alejandro Sanz & Shakira